Wednesday, July 28, 2021


       Emotional, electric, powerful, are all adjectives that can be used to describe the testimony of 4 Capitol and Metro police officers before a bipartisan select committee investigating the events of January 6.   Only committed supporters of the authoritarian wing of the GOP could or would dispute the officers' accounts of what happened that day.  

      All four of the men who experienced the hand to hand combat with the insurrectionist mob which sought to halt the verification of the electoral college ballots which confirmed the election of Joe Biden to the presidency confirmed in most observers' minds the validity of attack on American democracy.  Absent the antics of Gym Jordan and the other tRump supporter denied membership on the select committee, it is evident the Republican and Democratic members are focused on ferreting out the details of the ordeal the police went through at the hands of their nominal supporters.   Who knew of , planned, financed and set the mob in motion that day is something we must ascertain.  We must also hold those people responsible.  The committee made a good start yesterday but there is much yet to be done.

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