Monday, July 12, 2021

Room at the top

       Acting like a consummate fanboy yesterday, Ali Velshi at MSNBC reported breathlessly as billionaire owner of Virgin Galactic, Richard Branson, rocketed to an altitude of 52 miles above the earth.  Branson became the first billionaire in space, beating out Amazon's Jeff Bezos by a few weeks.   

      Yes, it was a feat of engineering sponsored by Branson, but you have to ask in the era of gross income inequality and fast moving climate change if we need the service Branson, Bezos and Elon Musk seem to think we do.  The spectacle of the uber wealthy among us shelling out 6 figures for a few minutes of weightlessness on the edge of space is hardly something I will cheer for.   The 70 year old Branson was nearly incoherent as he praised the view from space.   Just another way to look down at all the little people he has left behind.

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