Thursday, July 29, 2021

Another Kumbaya moment

      The wonders of bipartisanship were touted once again in the mainstream media as the watered down "hard" infrastructure bill was advanced in the Senate to the debate and amendment stage.   Spending money on roads and bridges is the most popular cause in the country, but I sense Republican participation in the latest iteration of "infrastructure week" is mostly performative and after another dilatory round of negotiation, it is doubtful 10 unicorn republicans will be found to advance a final bill for a vote.  

      Meanwhile, the human infrastructure bill beloved of House progressives is already being targeted by Krysten Sinema as too expensive and expansive and since she holds a decisive vote, it is dead in the water.  This will cause liberals in the House to hold up any bill the "bipartisans" in the Senate may finally vote for.  In any case, the two sides will talk until the clock starts to run out.  We've been to this rodeo before...

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