Thursday, July 1, 2021

knowing what we don't know

         Donald Rumsfeld is dead.   We know that.  Beyond that, we, as opposed to the late unlamented former Secretary of Defense don't know where he has gone.  He did go with the soul he had, not the soul he may have wished he had.

       I'm sure few Iraqis knew anything about Rumsfeld before he engineered the invasion of their country and the hundreds of thousands of casualties which resulted from his decisions.  We rightly blame the Shrub and his VP, Dick Cheney for much of the chaos and unnecessary death in Iraq, but much of the bloodshed can and should rest on Rumsfeld's shoulders.   His lack of planning for the aftermath of the invasion and his lies concerning weapons of mass destruction as well as his tacit agreement regarding torture of Iraqi nationals should earn him a place in the halls of infamy. 

       Instead, he will be lauded by many Republicans and not a few Democrats as a "patriot" and a public servant.  I doubt history will be as kind to his reputation.  


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