Monday, July 26, 2021

Anti Vax BS

         Supposedly, up to 81% of unvaccinated adults in America probably/definitely will refuse Covid 19 vaccines, despite the avalanche of stories about the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus among the unvaccinated.

       How to process this absolute stupidity among our fellow citizens?   Among teachers, healthcare workers and public safety professionals the vaccination rates hover in the 60 to 70% rate.  This seems inconceivable to me.  I remember the distribution of the oral Sabin polio vaccine in the early 1960s.  Despite some hiccups, including 200,000 defective shots of the Salk vaccine which caused thousands of cases of polio in the midwest in the 1950s very few people denied the effectiveness of the medicine or questioned the distribution.

       Today, the antivaxx propaganda and conservative "own the libs" ideology has affected public acceptance of safe and effective vaccines.   It is time to protect people despite their collective stupidity.  The government must step in and mandate vaccination for health care workers, public safety officers and teachers.  Public information campaigns advocating getting the jab is another necessary feature moving forward.    

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