Thursday, July 22, 2021

Inside Politics

      I would guess less than 5% of Americans were aware of the House select committee to investigate the insurrection that occurred on January 6.   Therefore hardly anyone was aware House minority leader Kevin McCarthy pulled all his members (except Liz Cheney) off the committee when Nancy Pelosi refused to seat two supporters of the events on 1/6.  

     However, the inside the beltway pundits were all over it and for the most part delivered the message the GOP wanted;  the Democrats, by depriving two conspiracy theorists of membership on the committee, have denied America a "bipartisan" look at the events leading up to the insurrection.  More reality based reporters and commentators pointed out the spectacle of Gym Jordan barking at witnesses and turning the proceedings into a circus would hardly lead to a sober examination of the first assault of the Capitol since the War of 1812.

     The pundits who were so very wrong during the former guy's administration continue to deny reality in service of their delusions.

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