Tuesday, July 27, 2021

E Pluribus whatever

       As the vaccination debate rages along with Covid 19 throughout the nation, it seems to be breaking more and more along partisan lines.   Many, but not all states where vaccine hesitancy is greatest correspond with the boundaries of the Confederacy.   The remainder supported the former guy in the last two presidential elections.   

     Most of the aforementioned states are in process of approving legislation designed to abridge citizens' right to vote.  From limiting drop boxes and early voting to allowing state legislatures to replace independent Secretaries of State in the election certification process, the goal of many Republican led states is to permanently ensure minority rule.   Free and fair elections are the antithesis of this goal.

     How the nation can stand as an entity in the face of increasingly partisan and sectional conflict is an existential crisis we have not faced since the Civil War.  What we do as we grapple with the climate change crisis along with political division in the next few years will define the legacy of the great democratic experiment.

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