Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A cult without a personality

      With the publication of "I Alone Can Fix It", the dissection of the final year of the former guy's presidency, Philip Rucker and Carol Leonig have illuminated the cult which grew in intensity even as power slipped from tRump's grasp.

      Paul Krugman has researched the cult of personality in societies as different as Caligula's Rome to the Kim dynasty in North Korea and he says the Republican party is so far down that rabbit hole its members feel they must provide ever more outrageous displays of loyalty to the now powerless leader of the party.  Krugman's example of this is many prominent Republican's opposition to Covid 19 vaccination.  In most cases, these bootlickers are themselves vaccinated, yet they continue to advocate their followers avoid life saving vaccines.  

     As Leonig and Rucker point out, the demented and delusional leader of the party continues to peddle his Bizzaro world point of view and many of his closest advisors encourage this nihilism.  Another commentator wonders how so many people are entranced by someone who fits the profile of your crazy uncle.  I guess there are enough crazy uncles out there to keep the tRump cult of personality going at least through the next election.

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