Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Six months later

      It has been six months since a mob of tRump supporters stormed the Capitol in D.C. in an effort to overturn the results of a free and fair election.   I suspect the country will never be the same.

     Right wing media has tried to spin the insurrection in several different ways.  The most stupid explanation advanced by apologists is the MAGA supporters were hapless tourists in the wrong place at the wrong time.   A 40 minute video put together by the NYT shows these "tourists" using American flags to beat Capitol police officers among other egregious acts.

    Another favored Faux News explanation for the insurrection is the mob had legitimate questions regarding the 2020 elections and were pursuing answers from their elected representatives.  Chanting "hang Mike Pence" and erecting a gallows for the purpose seems like a somewhat radical interpretation of free speech.

    A new story now making the rounds is trying to unmask the police officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbit as she tried to break into the House of Representatives.   Right wing media assume the officer is black and the racist narrative taking shape over the incident is right in their wheelhouse.

    When the history of the tRump insurrection is written, it will note the devolution of one of the major political parties in America into a cult of personality dedicated to holding power at all costs.   

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