Friday, July 2, 2021

The rise of incompetence and mendacity

        Once again, Paul Krugman at the NYT, makes the point the GOP is the last haven for charlatans, kranks and the incompetent when it comes to what passes for policy.  Krugman's first example of this catastrophe is the rise of Stephen Moore, an economist, to one of tRump's go to advisors on policy regarding the pandemic gripping the country in March of 2020.   Moore told the president he ought to push to reopen the country by Easter.

       This outright disdain for science probably resulted in several hundred thousand preventable deaths between then and now.  Sycophancy, incompetence and contempt for the truth was always the coin of the realm for tRump and his ilk.  Unfortunately, the same can now be said for most of the GOP as well.

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