Monday, July 5, 2021

Democracy under attack

     To most people who get their news through mainstream and legacy media, aka the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, etc., the consensus is our right to vote is under attack.  Red State legislatures are passing bills which make it harder for young people, people of color and the poor to vote.  In addition, some of these laws enable the legislative branch to usurp the legitimately elected choice of the people with little more than the implication there was voter fraud involved.

     Of course, those who depend on Faux News or even further right wing outlets for their information are being bombarded by claims of massive voter fraud and the Big Lie the election was stolen from our former Dear Leader.  These two baseless assertions are used to cheerlead voter suppression legislation and continue the massive grift on the average GOP voter.    Judging by the posts i see on Facebook by some of my conservative friends, Republican sabotage of democracy is well under way.   The only remedy i can see is massive repudiation of those who advocate for the Big Lie at the ballot box in the 2022 mid term elections.

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