Friday, July 16, 2021

The Manchin dilemma

      Democrats are on the cusp of delivering a hefty dose of democratic socialism to their constituents and the country in general.  Monetary payments of $250-300/per month per child for parents who make less than $150.000/year are appearing in bank accounts across the country as I write this and will have the effect of reducing child poverty by nearly half.   This is part of the Covid relief bill passed at the beginning of president Biden's term when even Republicans were spooked by the disease and its effects and provided bipartisan cover for what the GOP would now label socialism.

     The 3.5 trillion spending plan Democrats want to piggyback on the "hard" infrastructure plan in the works is the brainchild of progressives who feel the wind is at their backs  in this moment.  The problem with this plan as well as Democratic legislation to protect the election system is the existence of a conservative caucus within the party's Senate majority.   Led by Joe Manchin and supported by Krysten Sinema and several nameless Democratic sympathizers, this small coterie of naysayers can derail progressive's plans in a heartbeat.   Motivated in some cases by ideology, but in most by lobbyists, the "killjoy caucus" with it's ability to stifle legislation by denying Dems 50 vote unity to overcome Republican all consuming opposition is the single greatest hurdle that needs to be overcome to make progressive dreams reality.

    Barring a "come to Jesus" moment on Manchin's part, Democrats will have to try to woo an electorate with promises instead of accomplishments next year.   Meanwhile, Republicans will have a chance to test their voter suppression measures in the real world in preparation for the next presidential election.  Dog help us all.

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