Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The canaries are still singing

      It's getting dark in the mines of democracy, but at least 51 members of the Texas legislature are still willing to shine a light on the egregious actions of Republicans designed to curtail many citizens' right to excercise their right to vote.

      By leaving Texas for DC, the Texas legislators are denying Republicans the quorum they need to ram anti voting rights bills through during a special session called by mini-Trump governor, Greg Abbot.  They are also putting pressure on Senate Democrats like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema who seem more ready to protect the filibuster than voting rights.  As the national media covers the Quixotic actions of the Texas house members, more and more light will be shining on Republican voter restrictions across the country.

     Many liberals claim anti voter legislation will backfire by motivating black and brown voters to overcome legislative hurdles and actually increase turnout.   What the Manchins and Sinemas of the world either don't realize or prefer to ignore is the legislation designed to empower state legislatures and judges to nullify the will of the people on the flimsiest of excuses.  In some cases, the mere claim of voter fraud would be enough to overturn and election result.

    Congress needs to pass the For the People Act and the companion John Lewis Voting Rights Act in order to counteract the worst of the Republican voter suppression laws.   President Biden is scheduled to speak in Philadelphia today regarding voting rights.  I hope he exhorts fellow Democrats to action on this crucial legislation.  

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