Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Anti-vax nihilism

      According to reports from the NYT and Washington Post, Tennessee health officials have been instructed to not only stop pushing Covid 19 vaccinations among teenager, but to stop recommending vaccines for measles, mumps, HPV and other childhood diseases.   Have we reached peak Republican nihilism yet?

      It is perversely fitting Tennessee should be the epicenter of the new science denialism.  Nearly a century ago, the Scopes Monkey trial pitted science against evangelism.   The state of Tennessee prosecuted high school teacher John Scopes for the crime of teaching evolution to his biology class.  The state won, although in the long run, evolution was the victor.   Now comes news another high school teacher is being fired for teaching "Critical Race Theory" because he assigned students readings from contemporary black authors who are critics of white supremacy.

    I don't know what is in the water many Tennesseans are drinking, but they need some heavy duty filters.

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