Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Late Afternoon in America

       I am seeing two very different takes on the Biden presidency since his inauguration.  On one hand, the vaccine roll out overseen by Biden's appointees has been a rip roaring success.  Nearly 70% of the adult population has had at least one Covid 19 shot and new infections and deaths due to the virus have plummeted.  The economy is getting more robust every month, with an average of 600,000 new jobs added each month since January.  As Paul Krugman points out, the economy under Biden is doing better than Reagan's "morning in America" economy in the mid 80s.

     That brings me to the other phenomenon left over from the tRump administration;  namely the firehose of disinformation flooding the media and the internet.  For anyone who doesn't want to credit Biden with any good news, self validation is only a click away.  That's why many of my conservative facebook friends see America now as a hellhole and the economy in the tank.   Democrats may run on favorable news and the average citizen has seen marked improvement in her life since January, but a sizable portion of the population does not see it that way.   Even if they themselves are doing well, everyone else must be victimized by Democratic policies.  Otherwise how can they make sense of the dark news being spread by right wing media.

     It's late afternoon in America.   We need to come to terms with the legacy of lies left by the former guy and push back with the truth.  It is the only thing that will let us keep our hard earned freedom.

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