Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Lucy brings out the football again

     It looks like "infrastructure week" has become another punchline for late night comedians once more.  Earnest sounding hypocrites like Susan Collins are playing Chuck Schumer by asking for just a few more days to iron out the details to the bipartisan bill to repair the nation's hard infrastructure.

     Any Democrat who witnessed the excruciating, dragged out negotiations on Obamacare in 2009 is right to be skeptical of Collins, Romney and other GOP senators who say they will oppose the bill they helped write if the vote to move it to debate is not pushed off.  I believe Republicans' ultimate goal is to push the debate into the August recess and then continue obstruction thereafter.  

    Schumer should call their bluff by cancelling the recess and keeping the Senate in session until the details are hammered out.  That should deflate Lucy's football.

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