Monday, July 19, 2021

They really are killing people

        President Biden was right to call out Facebook for enabling the spread of Covid 19 conspiracy theories and misinformation on Friday.  Despite the presence on the site of plenty of high quality information showing how the vaccines work and how to access them, there are still plenty of debunked theories being published and believed by many.    However, Biden did not go far enough.  He neglected to point the finger at the worst actor in the Covid drama.   Faux News and performers such as Tucker Carlson and their guests are sowing vaccine skepticism among their viewers.

      Carlson, who has raised innuendo to an art form has given oxygen to charlatans such as Alex Berenson who celebrate the failure of up to 40% of the population who have not been vaccinated for various reasons.  A fair number of these people are hesitant to receive the vaccine due to the "many people are asking questions" blather that Carlson, his guests and other Faux News personalities continue to foist on their viewers.

      I understand the Biden administration's hesitancy to name Fox as perhaps the number one purveyor of vaccine misinformation, but as the main source of news for a significant portion of  Americans, the network deserves pushback against the lies regarding vaccine safety and efficacy.

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