Friday, July 9, 2021

School and home influences

    Over at his blog, "Jabberwocking", Kevin Drum raises an important question, namely what is actually being taught to our children in school these days.  Drum is not referring to shop or science classes, but to history curriculums in the wake of the critical race theory, Black Lives Matter and Me Too movements.

     While my own children graduated high school many years ago and their offspring are not yet in the upper grades, it strikes me there has not been enough time since these movements started for them to influence the textbooks on which much of the instruction is based.   That leaves current events and their influence.   Here again, based on my own experience, I am doubting there is much weight being placed on current events in classrooms around the country, while freely admitting I have not sat in on any history classes in over 50 years.

    I would speculate that home influences are much stronger for good or ill.   This is especially true where there is a strong family unit with both mother and father present and in agreement about political issues.  The strong beliefs of the parents, be they left or right seem to me to trump whatever influences school and even classmates views may have  on impressionable minds.

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