As the vaccination rate in the US stalls and the Delta variant surges through the unvaccinated population, the economy shows signs of stalling in mid-recovery. As the president suggested in a national address yesterday, most, if not all the blame for this falls on those who for mostly political reasons have chosen not to get the jab.
Thanks to toxic misinformation spread by some hosts on Faux News and the continuing debacle which is Facebook, not taking the vaccine is seen in some quarters as an heroic act. Owning the libs is a secondary, but also attractive reason for defying the science behind the vaccine. President wannabes like Florida's Ron DeSantis have made vaccine defiance part of their political brand and for that reason will refuse to follow the science even in the face of overwhelming evidence of vaccine efficacy. It seems Republicans are willing to sacrifice their own supporters in a quixotic attempt to overturn the rules of nature.