Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Why can't we all etc., etc.

       I had originally thought to write this post about the ties that bind us all as Americans and how, despite the wide ideological divide between left and right we all want what is best for our country and its citizens.  Then I read the news today... Oh boy!
      From the president* bragging he is taking hydroxychloroquine to his son appearing on Faux News to blame the current pandemic on a liberal plot to deny tRump his mass rallies to the Attorney General calling for government access to everyone's cell phones, today's news is a festival of right wing victimization and attempts to demonize anyone who disagrees with them.
     I guess the Covid 19 pandemic, which robbed this administration of its economic talking points is what has caused the most consternation.  Despite the president's relentless happy talk regarding treatments, vaccines, etc. and his deflection of his own culpability of the administration's anemic response to the early stages of the disease, the economy is not going to bounce back before the election.   The pleasures of eating in a restaurant does not nearly balance the risk of drowning in the remains of your liquified lungs.  So instead tRump must find someone, anyone else to blame.
     The dismissal of 4 inspectors general of various agencies in the executive branch are further statements of bad faith by the grifter in chief.   The inspectors general were set up as watchdogs whose job is to ferret out wrongdoing in the sprawling executive branch.   They are supposed to notify congress in the event of corruption by political appointees and to shine a light on policies which have the potential to embarrass an administration.   They are the ultimate swamp drainers.  Little wonder tRump is firing them.
     It is hard to ascribe anything but bad faith to this president, his family and his enablers in the GOP.   Despite my best efforts,  I cannot believe tRump and his political party care for this country or most of its citizens.  November 3rd cannot come soon enough.

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