Thursday, May 14, 2020

Make a new plan, Stan

     Really, the federal government needs to make any kind of plan to contain the Covid 19 virus pandemic as states begin to reopen.    Here in the North Country of New York, one of seven regions the state has recognized as representing homogenous groupings of people, we have qualified for "Phase 1 reopening.   This designation includes construction, mining, wholesale trade, some retail (such as garden centers) trade with curbside pickup and agriculture, forestry and fishing.    Social distancing must still be maintained and if goals are met, Phases 2,3, and 4  will gradually commence to fully reopen the economy.
      Needless to say, if any resurgence of the disease is reported, another lockdown will commence.   Some will say this plan is awkward and hard to administer, but at least it is a plan.   The only plan put forward by the tRump administration is to cheerlead for a rapid opening of all sectors of the economy with no federal testing or contact tracing program.   They will send ventilators however, when droves of newly infected workers wind up gasping their last breaths in hospital ICUs.
     From the very beginning of the pandemic here in the US, all we have gotten from Cheetolini is an endless stream of happy talk and word salad meant to obscure the fact he not only had no plan to deal with the emergency, but had no interest in developing one.   The very fact his name would be on such a document would expose him to blame if it didn't succeed.   If there is one thing this emergency has taught us, it's that tRump bears no responsibility for anything bad that happens on his watch, while he claims all the credit for anything good.  In other words, each state is on its own to navigate the pandemic, while our purported leader watches anxiously for any plan that works so he can claim his vision caused its success.  We are so screwed!

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