Friday, May 29, 2020

Racial justice

       The scab was once again ripped off the wound of America's history of racial injustice the other night in Minneapolis.    In a gut wrenching video, a police officer is clearly shown with his knee on the neck of a supine black man.   George Floyd is heard on the bystander's cell phone video pleading to be allowed to breathe.   The surreal tableau continues for several minutes as other bystanders ask the police to let up.   Floyd was pronounced dead at an area hospital after being transported there.
      Nowhere in the police report is Floyd's torture  reported.   It was noted the suspect was having a "medical incident".   After being contradicted by at least two different cellphone videos, all 4 policemen involved in Floyd's arrest were fired by the city.   However, the damage had already been done and protests and rioting erupted in the wake of Floyd's death.   Protests are happening around the country and other recent incidents of blacks dying at the hands of police are being cited as catalysts for the actions.
      Imagine if cell phones were available during the Jim Crow era in the South when more than 4000 black men and women were lynched by white mobs.   Okay, forget that thought, as the cell phone owners would have been lynched also.   Yes, we have come a long way since Emancipation, but judging by events during the last few weeks, we still have a long way to go before true color blind racial justice is the norm in this country.   

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