Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hot and Dry

     I like my chicken wings hot and dry.  The garden not so much.   We are presently making the transition from a cool, dry spring to what may possibly be a warm, dry summer.   Neither situation was or will be good for a gardener who is perpetually short of water for irrigation. 
       The dry weather has lowered the water table to the point my garden hose goes from a robust stream to a trickle in minutes.    I have enough water to irrigate newly transplanted or seeded beds, but not enough to bring in a crop without some celestial irrigation.   A promised shower yesterday turned into enough rain for one swipe of my windshield wipers.   Thunderstorms are forecast, but with less than a 50% chance.   
      The more crops I seed and transplant, the more water is required to keep them growing.  I think it's going to be a very trying summer.

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