Monday, May 18, 2020

Gardening in the North Country

      Well, in the space of 48 hours, my north country garden transitioned from near winter to near summer conditions.   An inch of rain and temperatures in the upper 60s on Saturday and Sunday provided growing conditions we haven't seen since last Sept.   The asparagus beds are popping and the winter over spinach which was sitting still is threatening to go to seed.   I seeded carrots and string beans on Sunday and planted geraniums.  Of course the weeds didn't take the weekend off, and I  had to rescue my parsley from inundation by the new crop of lambsquarters.  This week we face more of the same, although rain will probably not make an appearance until after the Memorial Day holiday.   I'll even plant some corn this week to keep the local raccoon happy.   Ah, summertime, when the living ain't easy if you are a gardener in the north country.

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