Friday, May 22, 2020

Manly men and dying for the Dow

        It seems for many on the right that mask wearing is for wusses.   This vibe is coming directly from our liar in chief, who while he was surreptitiously   photographed with a mask on while on a tour of a Ford plant yesterday removed it before appearing before the national press.   He has said mask wearing makes him "look weak".
      The overwhelming majority of Americans are wearing masks in public as health authorities are advocating, but thanks to Cheetolini, a fair number of manly men and women are refusing masks and endangering the health of their countrymen.   It is unconscionable to do this if it impacts the health of your family and strangers in the street. 
       Meanwhile, tRump and many governors around the country hasten to open the nation for business without sufficient testing, contact tracing and isolation of infected people.   As Paul Krugman put it in today's NYT, many republicans in Congress have decided that casualties be damned, the economy must get back up to speed so they can stake their political future on it.   However, many if not most of us are uncomfortable at the prospect of "Dying for the Dow" as Krugman put it.   Restaurant reservations are a fraction of what they were before the pandemic.  Without a bona fide  plan for dealing with future outbreaks, I for one will continue to eat at home and avoid situations which put me in contact with people I don't know.   Dinner and a movie is more like a fantasy at this point.
      If the government wants people to have confidence to patronize public establishments again, it must present a clear plan outlining the testing, tracing and isolation protocols to combat the Covid 19 virus.   Absent that, the president* and the maskless idiots out there may find themselves alone in dining rooms and public places around the country this summer.

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