Thursday, May 21, 2020

The conspiracy bug

     It's not just a right wingnut thing.  Lately I've noticed many left wing bloggers who are buying into a tRump will steal the election with the help of republicans and possibly the military.   Aside from the planning such a move would take, The Donald is such a typical schoolyard bully, he would flinch and retreat the minute he was called out by the dems and the media.   He would then retreat to his lair at Mar-a-lago and whine ceaselessly about how he was done wrong.   Some pundits have even posited that armed MAGATS would barricade the White House to deny access to Biden after the inaugural address.   That's  another laughable scenario. 
     The starting point for all this handwringing is tRump's threat to deny federal aid to any state which distributes vote by mail ballots.   Michigan and Nevada came in for Cheetolini's wrath in this regard.  However, as usual, he shot first and then asked the question.   At least in Michigan's case, the secretary of state merely sent out applications for a mail in ballot.   There are already more than a few states which allow mail in ballots for anyone who wishes.  NY is one of many who make it extremely hard to mail in your vote.   I hope that policy changes.
     Meanwhile, we will be treated to alternating hysteria from the right and left about how the election will be stolen.  Everyone, please give it a rest.

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