Friday, May 15, 2020

Two Visions

       The republican senate's rejection in advance of the democratic house's latest relief bill is a capsule summary of their competing visions  for America's future.   McConnell and the tRump administration are pretty much on board with Herbert Hoover's views on governmental interference in the economy.   Democrats are more in tune with FDR's interventionist view of government in a time of depression.
      Of course, with the passage of 90 years since the start of the Great Depression, even republicans see the benefits of some assistance to people in need.  Unemployment insurance and Social Security are probably the most popular artifacts of that era and despite constant attempts by conservatives to weaken them, they remain the bedrock of liberal achievements.  But the plutocrats who control the GOP have spoken.  No more government handouts to struggling working and middle class citizens.  Work and/or die is the marching order.
      Democrats will pass a 3 trillion dollar bill today with aid to struggling state governments.   When red states like Kentucky and Texas start laying off tens of thousands of teachers, police, firemen and first responders, it will be instructive as to how republicans respond.  I don't know how this is going to go, but the difference between the two parties' response to the pandemic could not be more stark.

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