Tuesday, May 12, 2020

To mask or not to mask...

     Much has been made of the president's* refusal to wear a mask during the pandemic if for no other reason than to set an example for the rest of the country.   As we all know, if a coronavirus had been sweeping the country during Obama's presidency and he was seen without a mask during a public appearance, right wing heads would have exploded.
      I only indulged in this bit of nostalgia to illustrate a larger point about what it will take to reopen the country safely.  Mask wearing has become a culture war flashpoint and tRump's refusal to wear one is encouraging his supporters to likewise rebel against medical advice.  Video of a crowded restaurant in Colorado which opened for Mother's Day against state regulations showed almost no masks in evidence and no social distancing.
     As states open haphazardly with no plans for widespread testing and contact tracing followed by isolation, mask wearing and social distancing become even more important to help contain the virus.  If the leader of the country sets a bad example and encourages many to flout medical advice, we may wind up with a second closure of the economy before the first wave of the pandemic recedes.  The very depression tRump desperately hopes to avoid will become inevitable if 40% of the country engages in magical thinking.
     I believe the culture of "rugged individualism" endemic in this country encourages people to take any government directive, no matter how innocuous as an infringement on their freedom.   Tracking peoples' movements and contact tracing will be a hard sell in this country as opposed to nations where the citizens feel a more collective responsibility for one another.   That is the reason it is so important for officials to practice what the medical authorities are preaching.   Unfortunately, we are being led by deeply stupid men at a critical time.  Better buckle up...oh, wait!

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