Thursday, May 7, 2020

Red Queen or Mad King

     For those of us who get our news through the mainstream media or liberal leaning websites, it seems we are being herded like lemmings toward the Covid 19 cliff.   There is no national testing and contact tracing regime, many states are still seeing increases in infection  and even those that might fulfill the government's criteria for reopening in several weeks are being frogmarched to open again by pressure from that government in the person of the Mad King himself.   We are all now "happy warriors", enlisted to die for a good economy.
     I am tired of huddling in the house, especially on days like this when the sun is shining and the spinach and asparagus are starting to grow.   I miss hugging my grandchildren and sharing meals with them and their parents.   We are fortunate here in the North Country to have avoided the horrors experienced downstate and on Long Island.  However, the beast is still out there and we need to be smart to defeat him.   Instead, we are treated to the spectacle of our president* exhorting workers and consumers to come back to the factories and stores and restart the economy so he can brag about it all summer and fall.   Meanwhile,  in meat packing plants, nursing homes and prisons, all places where people are jammed together for hours at a time, coronavirus infection rates range from 40 to 99% of the population.
     It seems like an Alice in Wonderland situation.   We have attended the Mad Hatter's Tea Party and now we are on our way to the Red Queen's court.   Will we lose our heads, or will we decide it is only a deck of cards after all.   But wait,  I see a rabbit...

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