Friday, May 8, 2020

The coming of idiocracy

      If things return to normal by Thanksgiving and extended  families celebrate the holidays together, your crazy, conspiracy driven uncle may be touting what is today's best seller on Amazon. " Plague of Corruption"  is a stew of conspiracy theories which would make a 9/11 truther blush.   Written by a disgruntled doctor who was the author of a retracted study tying a retrovirus to chronic fatigue syndrome and an antivaxxer who has subjected his autistic daughter to  a series of discredited treatments,  the main theory of the book is Covid 19 was cooked up by a cabal of researchers in the US and China and the entire pandemic is a hoax designed to make billions from a vaccine for the disease.   Anthony Fauci is mentioned as one of the movers in this scheme. 
      By now, most people would be rolling on the floor with uncontrolled laughter.  However, a significant minority of our fellow citizens will be liking this garbage on facebook, and the hoaxer in chief will probably read a bullet point one page condensation of the book and let it color his "thinking" on the course of the pandemic.
     Meanwhile, as the country hastily moves to reopen the economy, the case numbers and deaths attributed to the coronavirus will skyrocket.    I had occasion to patronize two local businesses yesterday.   I needed salt for a water softener and I had to get my pickup inspected.  I saw no masks in evidence at either business aside from the one I was wearing.   Social distancing was not being practiced.  If this is an example of all businesses in the North Country, there will be a full ICU at our local hospital before long.

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