Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Depression amidst the depression

      Opening up the virtual news this morning gave me a bracing dose of depression.   A columnist in the NYT described one member of her family's state of depression as we approach 9 weeks of lockdown due to the pandemic.    Bordering on suicidal, the person's distraught state inspired a call to the state of Maine's mental health hotline.  Aside from some advice like hiding sharp objects and medication from the depressed individual there was little else to be done.  The state had no beds available in its suicide prevention half way houses.
      Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's conservative majority made it plain they consider House subpoenas of the executive branch to be harassment of the president, although numerous subpoenas of the previous occupant of the oval office by a republican congress were just routine oversight, I guess.
      Republicans won 2 congressional seats in Wisconsin and California and of course the narrative in the MSM was "Dems in Disarray" once again, despite the fact both were traditionally republican districts.
     Finally, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other medical experts testified at a virtual Senate hearing and confirmed what most people already knew.   The pandemic is not over  and if states open without meeting CDC guidelines, they risk a spike in new cases leading to an increase in deaths.  We have not even gotten through the first wave of the pandemic and we risk a rising death toll even before the second wave hits this fall.  In a chilling interview, Jared Kushner, the noted epidemiologist opined the tRump administration did not think it would support another lockdown of the population no matter how many new cases occur.   If you are not depressed now, you probably never will be.  Congratulations!

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