Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cannon Fodder

     As with poorly trained and equipped troops shoved into combat by their officers and chewed up by cannons and machine guns, so to are the masses of our fellow citizens becoming a sacrificial offering.  In many states, most or all retail and service industries are reopening with no plans to safeguard the customers.   Public health experts have warned without test and contact tracing plans along with isolation of Covid 19 positive cases we can expect the coronavirus to rampage across the country in coming weeks. 
     The ironic part of this story is a majority of people agree with the experts this is a terrible plan.  No one wants to get on a plane that is guaranteed to crash.   Without a robust plan to stifle transmission of the virus, we are all being forced onto that plane.  Meanwhile, conservative state supreme court justices are meeting via Zoom to tell us to suck it up and take one for the team.  The team in this case is mostly rich white people who won't be mingling with the rest of us any time soon.
     I have not been a frequent viewer of the Rachel Maddow show lately.   She has increasingly had a very dark view of American politics without her trademark snarky humor.   I watched last night and apparently, she has no more f**ks to give.  Her stupified amazment at the sight of the president* touring a mask making factory in Phoenix without a mask was must see TV. 
     A noted expert on pandemics has said there will be no normal society to return to until there is an effective vaccine for Covid 19.  This may take anywhere from a year to "who knows when".  Meanwhile, the old, the sick and the immuno compromised among us will be culled as we develop defacto herd immunity.  Welcome to tRump world.

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