Thursday, May 28, 2020

So much winning

         As the US posted the 100,000th death from the coronavirus pandemic, the president* has once again moved the goalposts.   When a model of the casualty estimate for Covid 19 was published a few weeks ago predicting a  maximum toll of 60,000 dead, Cheetolini seized it as a validation of his government's response.     As we blew past that total and now seem destined to reach 130,000 or more by August, tRump now says any number of virus related deaths less than a million proves he did a great job managing the disease.    Of course, should we reach that horrifying number before November 3rd, he will move the goalposts yet again.   Or maybe not.   The nitwit-in-chief will have moved on to another shiny object, namely the election campaign before long.  Especially if he is able to fill small to middling arenas with red capped MAGATS shrieking his praises as they infect each other.    Remember, this is the man who told the nation it would be tired of all the winning under his guidance.   If you are a member of the 1%, that is probably true.  For the rest of us, not so much.

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