Wednesday, May 27, 2020

To Veep or not to Veep

      Now that Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee for president of the dems, the next bit of suspense will be his pick for vice president.    Millions of words have been written or posted regarding the process and who Biden should pick.   He has committed to picking a woman, so that eliminates nearly half the population.   However, among the 175,000,000 or so of the fair sex in these United States there is a large pool of highly qualified candidates available. 
     Biden and his team have seemingly whittled down the choices to a half dozen or so, including Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Stacy Abrams, Amy Klobuchar and Gretchen Whitmer.  There are a few dark horses also, including Val Demings, but unless Biden goes off the reservation, one of the above ladies will be running on the ticket later this summer.   Each one has pluses and minuses as a candidate and office holder.
       Harris and Abrams would check off the race box.   They are both bright and articulate.   However, both are coming off losing campaigns.   Harris in particular has question marks regarding her poorly run presidential bid.   Many people called it slapdash and unorganized.   Abrams probably lost her bid for Georgia governor due to voter suppression by her opponent who was serving as secretary of state at the time.   If the tables had been turned and Abrams won in the same manner, she would still be defending herself, probably in court.   Still, she does not have much government experience and would be excoriated by republicans as a liberal Sarah Palin.
       Klobuchar would certainly complement Biden.   She has his penchant for compromise and incremental change.   However, with the party swinging to the left, would she be able to excite the Bernie Bros with the mantra of patience and long run change.  Don't think so!
      Whitmer is attractive as the governor of a battleground state, but as with Abrams she is weak on experience.  She is young enough to balance Biden's age problem.  Still, I think she is an outside the box pick.
      My own personal choice is Elizabeth Warren.    She is a hardened campaigner and far enough to the left of Biden to make the case to Sanders' supporters.   She has in the trenches government experience at the federal level and she knows how the bureaucracy works.   If real reform is on Biden's mind, she is the logical pick.   Her age is a big drawback.
    Now that I have laid out a logical argument for and against the most likely picks, I'm sure Biden will choose someone I never thought of.   Let's hope it's not another Joe in female clothing!

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