Friday, May 31, 2019

The real culprit

      Forget Cheetolini and his gang that can't shoot straight.   He and his henchmen are a laughable blemish on our democracy and in a normal universe would have been booted out of office by now.   This would have gone a long way toward correcting the travesty of the 2016 elections, although Hillary Clinton might not feel that way.
      The point I am trying to make is tRump is being enabled by the GOP majority in the Senate and specifically by the majority leader, Mitch McConnel.   When his televised answer to the question of whether he would confirm a Supreme Court nominee for tRump during his final year was a smirking affirmative, both the Divine Mrs. M and I both uttered an expletive regarding McConnel's illegitimate parentage.  
       Not content with bottling up legislation passed by the house and confirming numerous unqualified but ideologically right wing judges, Mitch seems hell bent on enabling The Donald's worst impulses with a fiendish glee.   As the House comes closer and closer to an impeachment inquiry, McConnel and Lindsay Graham have said they will make a mockery of their duty to try the president*.  Although tRump will have the scarlet letter of impeachment attached to his name for the rest of time, he need not fear removal from office before 2020 at least.  May the Flying Spaghetti Monster help us all if by another fluke this menace to democracy gets another 4 years.  It will be forever on McConnel's legacy that he dug the grave for the American experiment.

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