Friday, May 3, 2019

Old white dudes

    Pundits are struggling to explain the polls showing most democrats would seem to be supporting an old white guy, either Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden for the democratic presidential nomination.  Most of these writers are part of the hyper educated coastal elites who are read by other college educated liberals who support some of the more left leaning candidates.
      Other columnists, notably Paul Krugman at the NYT complain that voters who lift up these septuagenarian candidates (Biden will be over 80 at the end of his first term) will be disappointed because Biden is trying to sell a bipartisan approach to politics that died upon the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and Bernie is invoking a moral authority which will sweep away opposition to his policies.  Krugman opines that neither man has a plan B to fight against republican intransigence in the wake of an election which does not include democratic takeover of the Senate.
     People of color are especially vulnerable to the allure of a white man to take on and defeat tRump.  Sending Cheetolini into the waiting arms of the prosecutors of the Southern district of NY seems to be their alpha and omega.  There is little thought being given to the fights which will be necessary to advance any policy agenda benefitting their constituency.
      While the democratic party has moved considerably to the left, many of its voters are over 50 and many of them identify with a more conservative vision represented by Biden.  My own mother is among that demographic and would probably embrace Uncle Joe for that very reason.  Meanwhile, the Bernie Bros' are as likely to vote for a second term for tRump if their preferred candidate does not get the nomination.  Either way, it appears progressives have an uphill battle to convince young and old alike their vision for the future is attainable in the face of republican intransigence.

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