Thursday, May 9, 2019

Massive Fraud or Tawdry Reality

     As we wait with popcorn in hand for the various legal gambits to play out, the NYT story about tRump's huuge losses during the 1980s may be the biggest tell as Cheetolini seemingly goes all in to hide his tax returns from 2013 to the present.   Is he protecting said returns from scrutiny because he can't bear to be labelled a loser, or do the IRS forms lay out a roadmap to his money laundering and other assorted crimes which would earn him a life sentence in the slammer post presidency?
     It seems during the 80s, when real estate and casinos were sure fire ways to riches, The Donald was continuously bailed out of his various failed schemes by his daddy's money.   Even tRump Tower, his arguably most successful project was suffering from low occupancy before the Russian mafia started snapping up apartments at above market rates.  During a 10 year period the "King of Debt" posted losses totaling over a billion dollars.  Despite his claim that every real estate developer was doing it, his losses were by far the most of any individual taxpayer during that period.
     Michael Cohen, his fixer and personal attorney testified his boss had a fairly elastic way of classifying his assets; shrinking them at tax time and inflating them when applying for loans to the dwindling number of banks willing to take a chance on another default.
     Sometime in the 00's, Russian money began to flow into the tRump Organization's coffers and the company went on a spending spree.  Cheetolini bought golf courses in Scotland and Ireland which continue to lose money to this day.   Will his tax returns show where the money came from?  The whole thing smells very fishy and his increasingly hysterical efforts to hide the returns from scrutiny by the Ways and Means Committee should cause democrats to redouble their efforts to get to the bottom of this mess.

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