Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Our Socialist, Sharia, know nothing party and its propaganda arm

     Republicans in Alabama let everyone know what their real agenda is concerning abortion and women's agency; namely, women have no control over what goes on in their bodies and they must be punished for their sexuality by being forced to give birth to any fertilized egg implanted in their wombs by whatever means, including rape and incest.  The legislators gave the lie to their supposed reverence for life by declaring that eggs fertilized outside a woman's body in a IVF procedure could be allowed to die.  Georgia legislators went one better, declaring a woman who has a miscarriage could be imprisoned if she caused said miscarriage.
      Meanwhile, farmers in the Midwest will be paid for their soybeans by Uncle Sam since they can't sell them to China and the current market would bankrupt many of them.  As anyone who has dealt with our president* where money is concerned can tell these farmers they probably shouldn't take Cheetolini's promise to the bank!
     Finally, my favorite democratic candidate for the presidency, Elizabeth Warren refused a town hall on the Faux News Network and issued a blistering critique of its business model.   She said she will refuse to give a "hate for Profit" network the legitimacy it craves by appearing on one of its programs.  Good on her.

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