Friday, May 24, 2019

The first amendment is for everyone

    Even Julian Assange should expect his first amendment rights to publish freely to be respected.  Now, in a delicious ironical twist, tRump's DOJ is charging Assange with publishing military secrets under the espionage act.
     I'm sure Assange, whose control of Wikileaks and his willing collusion with Russia to reveal damaging e-mails hacked from the DSCC, felt his fellow rat fuckers in the administration would keep him safe.  Unfortunately for him and also for freedom of the press, the authoritarians in the administration are looking to establish a precedent which will chill investigative journalism in this country and around the world.  Reporters will have to think very hard about the possibility of a long jail term before printing information the government would prefer to hide.  Using Assange as the face of this assault on Americans' freedom is meant to blunt criticism a more sympathetic figure would generate.
     In other news, I want to shout out Happy Anniversary to the Divine Mrs. M.  She has been putting up with me for 44 years and I dearly love her for that among a multitude of other qualities.  I consider myself a very lucky guy!

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