Friday, May 17, 2019

Wars of choice

      America seems to be on a war footing.   The administration is moving forward on several fronts.  It is continuing the war on women with its tacit approval of anti abortion measures being passed by GOP controlled state legislatures.   tRump and his minions are ramping up their war against democracy as they resist the democratic controlled House's legitimate oversight role.  The trade war with China continues apace with unknown future consequences to the world economy.  Finally, the moustache of war, John Bolton, is greasing the skids to prepare for a shooting war with Iran.
      All of these wars are troubling, but the possibility of conflict with the ayatollahs should by the number one horror to avoid at all costs.  The only possible way for the US to avoid the pain and ultimate humiliation of a ground war is the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons.  Such a plan will make America an international pariah and result in the loss of whatever claim this country has to moral leadership in the world.  I would urge everyone who reads this to write or call their congressman or woman and register their revulsion toward a conflict with Iran.

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