Friday, May 10, 2019

Bait and Switch

     As Paul Krugman points out in today's NYT, rural America is disproportionally hurt by the present administration's policies, yet continues to support Cheetolini in overwhelming numbers.   Dismantling the ACA would lead to millions either losing health coverage or accepting a debased alternative.  Trade wars have so far hurt rural farmers more than anyone else.  Shredding the social safety net affects a majority of residents in states like West Virginia.
     Many have opined as to the roots of rural Americans' fascination with The Donald.  His high flying lifestyle, the racism he promotes, the immigrant bashing and perhaps most of all, his rejection of facts as the basis for decisions on policy.  Instead he substitutes whatever lies advance the policies he approves.   We have been living in an Alice in Wonderland universe since 2017 and the Red Queen continues to shout "off with their heads" to a shrinking minority of the populace.
      I live in a tRump loving corner of this country and I still can't get my head around the fact that many of my friends and acquaintances are all in with republican policies which hurt them economically.  Abortion, the 2nd amendment and bashing the nonexistent immigrant population in the North Country is being substituted for actual thought about their enlightened self interest.

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