Thursday, May 16, 2019

First they came for your abortion rights...

    And so it goes.  It seems we will now have Sharia law in Alabama.  Are mandatory headgear requirements, ala The Handmaid's Tale next.  Don't be under any illusions that republicans in other states will repudiate Alabama's latest assault on women's right to control their own bodies.  Of the 22 states where the GOP controls the state legislature and governor's office, 11 have enacted or are in the process of drafting laws which limit or ban abortions, even in the cases of rape or incest.
    It seems the election of tRump has emboldened the anti-abortion movement in ways not seen since the early 90s of the last century.  While a solid majority of the country's voters believe abortion should be legal and safe, a vocal minority would turn us into a country where the state is authorized to peer into every bedroom and physician's office and make judgements over basic health care procedures and negate a woman's ability to choose the path that is best for her and her family.
    Make no mistake, this is an assault on women's status in society, reducing her from a position of social and economic equality to a second class incubator of babies.   The irony of the situation is republicans are happy to force women to give birth, but refuse to accept any social responsibility for the resulting citizen, except to punish them if he or she breaks any laws.  May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on their souls.

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