Thursday, May 2, 2019

Nothing but the smile

    Erstwhile Attorney General William Barr flashed his best Cheshire Cat smile at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday as he explained to the assembled democrats and republicans that it is fine with him if a president shuts down an investigation into his administration if he feels it is unjust harassment.
    Needless to say this legal theory was greeted with derision by dems and treated with respect by most if not all republicans on the committee.  Lindsay Graham, who famously declared the president* unfit for the office he now holds declared the Mueller report to be over and done with.  This in the face of letters from Mueller to Barr in the run up to the release of the report  which show that Mueller viewed with increasing frustration Barr's attempt to whitewash the damning evidence concerning both the tRump campaign's ties to Russia and the president*'s increasingly desperate efforts to obstruct the special counsel's investigation.
    The best images of the committee hearing is attorney general's imitation of  Lewis Carroll's famously obstructive cat.  Both of them smiled as they disappeared, only in Barr's case he also endeavored to make the evidence disappear as well.

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