Thursday, May 30, 2019

On impeachment and "molecules of freedom"

    Yes democrats, there is life after impeachment.   Robert Mueller practically begged Congress, or at least congressional democrats to as one pundit put it "do your damn job" and impeach the emperor cheetolini.   We all know this is a fool's errand as long as Mitch McConnel and Lindsay Graham are in the majority in the Senate, but justice must be served if the rule of law means anything in the 21st century.
     Meanwhile, in energy news, the undersecretary of the DOE announce we will step up the export of "freedom gas", aka liquefied natural gas from a new facility being built on the gulf coast near Houston.   These "molecules of freedom" will supposedly supply our allies with clean energy.  Forget the fact that the fracking which produces the clean burning gas releases enough methane to more than cancel the beneficial aspects of the primary product.   Ah, I can smell freedom fries as I write this...

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