Thursday, May 23, 2019


    Once again, the schoolyard bully got his nose bloodied and in a predictable move took his bat and ball and went home, leaving the rest of the team staring in stupefaction.
     After bragging about his plan for an infrastructure spending deal, tRump left his meeting with Speaker Pelosi and Minority leader Chuck Schumer and spent a few minutes in the Rose Garden dishing on the democrats and saying he wouldn't do anything until all investigations into his finances and administration were ended.   This provoked most liberal commentators to compare our present occupant of the Oval Office with two past presidents who were investigated.  Both Tricky Dick Nixon and Bill Clinton made an ostentatious effort to look presidential in the face of continued investigations by Congress.  Both presidents signed numerous bills during and in Nixon's case just before he resigned in the face of certain impeachment and removal.  Now comes tRump and his cohort of criminals.
    As we get closer and closer to glimpsing his tax and financial records, The Donald is in a flop sweat.   I think the possibility of a "wag the dog" war is a grave possibility.   I also wouldn't put it past the president* to attempt to use the DOJ to dig up dirt on his opponents.  The next few months should be interesting in the Chinese sense of the word.

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