Monday, May 27, 2019

Is this what they died for?

    I have written quite a few blog posts concerning the Memorial Day holiday and its connection to me and the broader American public.   I am deeply conflicted that many patriotic soldiers served their country well and died heroic deaths in the service of what has mostly been an egregious policy of Imperialistic aggrandizement.  Many, myself included, bow to the overarching theme of the national observance and content ourselves with expressions of gratitude to friends, neighbors and relatives who have served in the armed forces.   I hope everyone who takes a moment to commemorate the fallen today also asks why so many have given the last full measure of devotion to causes which served armchair warriors who lead us into quagmires for the benefit of a military-industrial complex which virtually dictates our foreign policy and enriches the few and is enabled by the sacrifice of an increasingly isolated professional fighting force.

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