Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Longing for normalcy

      The boomlet for Joe Biden has settled in and he now leads his nearest competitor for the democratic party's presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders, by an incredible 30 points in one poll.  Pundits, especially those on the left are scratching their heads.  In a party driven by opposition to the tRump presidency and led by lefties like AOC it seems strange that a pol who made his reputation in the 70s and 80s as a typical corporatist democrat should be the darling of dems in 2019.
      I agree that part of the support for Uncle Joe is nostalgia for a era when republicans still reached across the aisle and at least seemed to be working for most Americans. Biden also excites black voters with his connection to Obama and the possibility he will continue that legacy.  Finally, to many he represents the view that to beat one old white man you need another old white man.
      It seems counter intuitive to believe Biden can represent so many different agendas.   His middle of the road policies on health care, the environment and climate change are totally out of step with millenials and those of us who believe in the existential threat the aforementioned issues represent.  Based on actuarial tables, there is a good possibility Joe may not even be around in 2024.
    Of course, it is still early, and front runners do not have a great track record in crowded fields.  A single malapropism or oppo research into his past may prove too much for him to overcome in the face of Bernie's durable appeal and younger candidates appeal.  The daily grind of a 2 year campaign may also take its toll.  I hope the long term exposure of Biden to public scrutiny convinces him there are better ways to spend his remaining years than trying to parlay with republicans who long ago decided scorched earth was their default policy.   We need someone who can deal with that reality.

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