Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Breaking the rules

      Yesterday edged us that much closer to a constitutional crisis if you are a democrat.  If you are a typical republican probably not so much.  
       Steve Mnuchin, tRump's secretary of the treasury refused a lawful request to turn over Cheetolini's tax returns.  The next move is up to the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, but in the face of  Mnuchin's intransigence and the Department of Justice' support, there is little Richard Neal can do to force the release of the returns.
       This gets to the heart of the current dilemma facing those who would provide oversight of this lawless executive branch.  If the head of the executive, the president, refuses to acknowledge the rules, the other branches of government, the legislative and judicial are virtually helpless.  Our system of government requires all participants to acknowledge and abide by the laws set forth in the constitution.  There has never been a president who did not abide by the rules.  When push came to shove, even Tricky Dick  Nixon surrendered his incriminating tapes.
      In the playground, if someone refuses to play ball by the rules the group has established, he is told to leave.  If he refuses, most of the time, the players will refuse to play with him or her.  Unfortunately, Congress does not have that luxury.

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