Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Saving ourselves

The commentary on the political left post Memorial Day is unremittingly bleak.  According to some we are "careening toward totalitarianism".  Others speculate on the imminent demise of Roe vs. Wade and possibly Griswold vs. Connecticut which allows for contraception.  Of course tRump and his enablers in congress, the media and the religious right are blamed for these outrages.
   What many of the despairing commenters seem to agree on is the impotence of the citizenry and our representatives to do anything about the situation.  The quixotic turn by Justin Amash, who defied GOP congressional leadership and called for the opening of an impeachment inquiry is perhaps the opening salvo of the reaction to the president's* perfidy.
    Amash alone can't lead a republican renaissance, but I'll bet there are more than a few terrified members of his caucus who may take heart in his principled stand.   It would only take a handful of republicans in the House and Senate to bring the whole house of cards down.   The leadership knows this and will do everything in its power to halt any sort of dissent to the party line.
    It is up to ordinary Americans to make our voices heard in this time of maximum danger to our democracy.  Let your representatives and senators know you are part of an informed electorate and that you expect justice to be served.

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