Monday, May 13, 2019

Let's be optimistic

     After a beautiful Mother's Day (alas, not weatherwise), I have decided I need to accentuate the positive side of things.  Yesterday was a day to celebrate mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers alike.  Even dog mothers got their due.   Several accepted congratulations, but scolded my somewhat jaundiced view of the human condition.
     My favorite candidate for president, Elizabeth Warren, also ventured outside her comfort zone this weekend.  She appeared in the heart of tRump country in West Virginia to talk about her plan to alleviate the opioid crisis.  While she may not have changed many minds, she did let the people know she intends to be the president of all Americans, in marked contrast the present occupant of the office.
     In gardening news, at least it didn't rain over the weekend and the rice paddy which doubles as our backyard was no longer featuring standing water.   I seeded  winter squash in peat pots in anticipation the main garden areas will be dry in time to plant them outside in early June.  I was also able to plant some more potatoes and fertilize the last onion plantings.  Somehow, gardening is one of the most optimistic things a person can do.  Planting, weeding, fertilizing and pest control are all done with the vision of future harvest.  Many things can and do go wrong, but perseverance usually pays off.  I hope this year is no different.

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